Thursday, October 3, 2013

the point of reference part four

Finally we've reached the final part of this trilogy, eh it is a four-part story instead! quadrilogy? Well, the name is less important than the fact we are finishing! :)

Entering the latest phase, which is pretty much my current state, the story is quite an expected one. I am going down the hill. It was not that I did not try harder. At least, I tried my best during the last two years of my education. I still fell asleep in most of my study time, but at least I felt more guilty than ever before. 

Regression towards the mean

When I was younger, I felt that I could do just as much as those successful relatives or acquaintances when I reach their age. And, for some of those goals, I have passed the deadline, and still am quite far from there. 

Scaling down the goals, turning to see myself among my friends, i am still nowhere to be found. I don't find myself walking down the ideal career path my school always preaches. In fact, it does not matter in how I am seeing it, even through the rose tinted one, the situation is kind of, hmm, complicated at its best. 

Remember my friend that went missing during the high school, he is pursuing his dream. he is always very good at drawing. 

How about my eternal rival that cheated during the junior high? He looks like going to become a terrific doctor; shrewd and knowledgeable. 

Those with lower than humane GPAs also are building their careers steadily. How about those with higher? They are flying! Hmm, although, I heard one picks up a rather unique habit. It is walking back and forth naked in the room. Maybe, I should give it a try. 

I am not swimming in the sea of the sameness of course, because in fact I am not swimming at all at the moment. With the bond and other things to consider, the situation should be quite worrying. I am quite off the chart at the moment. 

If there is a little thing that I can apply from my psychology major, it is that the next thing would quite likely be an improvement. They call it regression towards the mean. It simply means that when things go nearing to one extreme, the next move would be returning back to the mean (average). So, statistically it should improve.

Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful

I am still not sure how to apply this Warren Buffet's quote, but I am just going to leave it there so that I still look like a good graduate with a finance major. 

because I am twenty-something

There is this post trending lately with this title. It is really interesting, yea because I am twenty-something. 

She suggests to take a different route, quitting your first job, fly to paris, and being lost in unknown places, and many more. 

It is pretty interesting to see what lies ahead. But, for sure, I am not going to be lost in Jakarta. With my quite obvious certain-race look, it is quite certain going to be a remake of the enemy of the state movie. 

Lastly, I am just going to leave you with her, Samantha Barks. 

Eponine surely has a great story. Hopefully, I can tell a good story of mine too one day. 

God bless you, and hope you will also have a great journey. World surely has enough room for each of our good story. :)

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